Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quantum Charlie

Quantum Charlie

there was a TV show.
a man's mind bounced around
in past tenses, like a fly in a window,
and settled each week into some
different body's set of troubles,
leaving suddenly just as things began
to clarify, about to go right.

week after week
with nothing but
Bukowski's hangovers.

MONDAY PROMPT / October 4 - The World's Poetry Archive 108
Question And Answer
he sat naked and drunk in a room of summer
night, running the blade of the knife
under his fingernails, smiling, thinking
of all the letters he had received
telling him that
the way he lived and wrote about
it had kept them going when
all seemed
Charles Bukowski


Anonymous said...

Truly you are wys but no fool. Well written, just right!

Unknown said...

The workings of the mind offer a lifetime of study!

pwf said...

I blush, Madam Vivian.

flaubert said...

Nicely written pwf!
A drunk he was but a talent nonetheless.

Diane T said...

I remember Quantum Charlie. Amazing story, and then he stepped backwards. Little hope with Bukowski's hangover's! Brilliantly written.

Tumblewords: said...

Excellent - a lifetime in these few words!

Anonymous said...

You aim, you fire, and so often you hit the target. It's amazing and thanks for this one,
