Tuesday, September 7, 2010

what I wish I'd said

I remember you

friends, pals, buddies, chums
there were plenty
lovers, fewer
dates, none
you said come over
I’ll make dinner.  poured some wine put on some jazz
prepping for the omelets sliced the tip off of your finger.
just enough to make a mess.
I believe I was embarassed for you.
Not knowing what to do, I pretended nothing had happened.
You were a nice guy.
I should have fainted for you.

MONDAY PROMPT/ September 6


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's sad.

Jinksy said...

A gruesome laugh! :)

Anonymous said...

Ouch! But what a memory to savour.

Unknown said...

Your last line is great! It would have been appreciated, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

I can hear the sigh on the end of this, even if it isn't stated. Some things just don't work out.


christopher said...

I laughed out loud at the last.

Anonymous said...

i love "pretending like nothing happened" and the last line!

Diane T said...

Did you see Jimmy Fallon last night? He grated his finger and it bled all over the place,LOL. Yes, you should have fainted, LOL.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, dear! Yes, a good faint is hard to beat. Seems the least you could have done. :)

Mary said...

Yes, perhaps you should have fainted. Don't you just hate it when you miss an opportunity!! I enjoyed your poem.

pwf said...

This was not one of those times when the right words come to mind 30 seconds after it is impossible to utter them. It's taken years to figure out.

Amanda Moore said...

the one that got away? this was so sweet!

gautami tripathy said...

Love that end line! However, why should you?

crooked window

Deb said...

Pretending is so awkward. :-) Your last line is terrific!

(at http://stoneymoss.org)

Cynthia Short said...

Sad and yet a bit humorous at the same time...quite an enjoyable read!

pwf said...

gautami, I believe he expected me to take charge and make things better. Fainting would take the anticipated mothering female role a few steps further.

I don't believe I've known anyone to faint from being disconcerted. It seems like something Monty Python would manage well.

Anonymous said...

A small but clearly acute regret, very neatly rendered.

Erin Davis said...

Oh, the last two lines had me laughing. Perfect.