Friday, October 1, 2010


            I want your money and
your life she said stepping outside
her trite and truly off-the-rack
painted by the numbers linear life.
none of that namby-pamby wishy-
washy, flip-flop, either/or,    either.
I want it all she said, leveraging
with the addition of an air guitar.
beautiful, I'll be the goldfoil angel
wearing diamonds like glass beads,
crashing masked balls bare-faced,
cursing infants for their own good.
and I wonder why didn't I do this
  years ago

____     ____     ____

You can see the genesis of this here.  
And if you're wondering how this poem came about...

I liked the story with Jill’s prompt so much that I decided to steal it.
As a black-hearted highwayman. 
I stole the tree-fort tree and picked an apple from it.
Stuffed her leverage in my pocket, while I was at it.  My childhood was Disney-Grimm, so all the bad fairy curses turn out to have positive outcomes. And because the good fairies are indistinguishable from angels, and Jill seems like such an angellic imp, I just decked her in sequins and gold lame, and stole her off the top of the (now a fir) tree.

But, because I am only pretending, I put everything (and everyone) back the way I found it when I was through playing bandits.
big tent poetry


Tumblewords: said...

Outstanding! Love the strength and magic in this piece!

gautami tripathy said...

Such beautiful imagery.

Here is my Haibun in 55 words!

Diane T said...

Amazing how holding an apple in your hand can entice....

flaubert said...

I love the images created here!

Unknown said...

What it is to change sides! And Highway (Wo)Men were often ordinary members of the community by day. The lure and frisson of danger and intrigue!

rallentanda said...

Hmm, this is the second incident of ball crashing I've heard about this week.
Strident and humorous poem.

pwf said...

thanks for the kind words.

Rallentanda, I had hoped that would slide through. It was worse before I added the "masked"

christopher said...

pwf, I really like this poem. You stand out. I have read high quality stuff this time and you stand out in this crowd. You got your big girl panties on.

pwf said...

Wysfool is a bloomer gal

Cynthia Short said...

I loved this magical piece!