Monday, October 11, 2010

Libran Workle in Progress

100 words

I begin to doubt that this will work, but even if it doesn't I will have learned something.  When the haibun prompt came up, it reminded me that I had intended to try some American Sentences.  I didn't then.  Now along comes what ought to be the perfect occasion.
Of course, I haven't even read that many, but I have a hunch that mine are, not simply not good, but actually bad.

Still, we lie on our backs and wave at the ceiling before we start to crawl, before we walk, before we run.
About 1/3 of the way through the list:

  1. Refrigerator latch broke; pap inside's tepid, and a touch foetid.
  2. La primavera: a warm embrace, but her storms have icy kisses.
  3. A dust of butterflies wings wafts, delicate, past the trickle of tears.
  4. A jet plane over the ocean lives by the beauty of fire and air.
  5. A fleck of gold in his green eyes, sparked an alluring frisson of lust.
  6. I escaped the lunch with a light heart and a handful of chocolate stars.
  7. She snapped back, too warm to be a polite and well-modulated sheep.
  8. The clasp at the nape of her neck was sea glass, cool as a sky blue rose
  9. Make an I ching trigram called amazing joy out of windstorm thick leaves.
  10. To stuff a fig, you must love, not the fruit, but drudgery: or murder.
  11. The fuzzy dice on her dash were studded with hot pink diamantes
  12. At the roast they served her a baked swan song sauced with hot gin-soaked cherries

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