September 16, 2010 — staff@wwp
Exceptions To The Rule
We have all heard of the old adage: Rules are made to be broken. Was there a time in your experience when you broke the rules, a particular rule? Why did you do that and what was the outcome? Are there certain indiviudals for whom you always make exceptions? Are there areas in your life where there are never allowances for exceptions? Which rules would you like to break, and which exceptions would you wish to see carved in stone? You might want to take some time to do a free write on any, or all of these questions, or simply on the general concept of the prompt. See what poem you can “cook” from these ingredients! We’ll see you Wednesday to find out the results.
(while loves and losses, abstractly,
are fruit for the mill
grist for the fodder
available to any and all
the particulars of my transgressions,
and their lessons, are my own not to tell.)
Observation Regarding Rulestwo points of view
if each wants the peach at hand,
the one who eats it, eats it
no contest
say: the peach is just beyond
it is the possible, the potential,
the foreseeable future
agree on it, or slug it out
either choice is the first rule of your society
the rest of the rules
smooth the stones,
save wear and tear on the knuckles,
give social interaction a place to hang it's hat
rules are agreed-upon, changeable, breakable, repairable
rules create the game
I do think the rules create the game. Nice take on the prompt. This is a bit of Lord of the Flies for me.
Without rules, life would be rather chaotic. Unfortunately, too many would rather slug it out than come to some agreement!
Lord of the Flies! there's one.
Ultimate negative cynicism (which is distressed idealism).
my thoughts were descriptive, not proscriptive.
agree: too many would choose chaos over following another's rules. step one over and over. accepting the necessity. necessity. necessity for agreement is the beginning of a human individual or society
I agree with Lord of the Flies! You never know who is on your side, and who will break the rules and who won't. You must be a Canadian, lol.
I really like the last stanza of your poem. Indeed rules create the game...but also thinking about the idea that rules give social interaction a place to hang out is interesting too!
Without rules, I agree there would be total chaos. Excellent take on the prompt.
Short and sweet and to the point. Yes, taking it easy on bruised knuckles, that counts for sure. Good down-home images that make good sense, fit the poem well.
Suppose some analogous to the workings of a body too (whatever the scale), and best when parts mostly all go in the same direction indeed!
Some powerful observation on intrinsic behaviors. We don't even think about the fact of the need for rules and agreement. I wonder if any of us ever do, and maybe this prompt forced us to.
Rules make us. Yet can break us too! I like this a lot.
ode to un-punctuated verses
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