I thought of you
stalking Rochelle around the Fair grounds,
infiltrating families, separating couples.
You never touched, not salt skin or clothing,
one of the fluid mass.
Appearing accidental, you were beyond every projection.
Such intense nonchalance.
Did you intend fear?
I was amazed to find you behind the face
of my quondam friend.
The glint of blue neon off a parked car:
you met my eye.
Note: I heard the word "fetch" from a crowded hallway. Although the word does not appear here, I had it in mind in it's sense of ghost or apparition.
again, fetch
Was that your horn
that tapped
on my ear?
It woke me from a sound dream
I was at peace; now I want an argument--
you, me, and Revelations.
Was that your skin
cast off
on the floor?
When will you stop stepping out of it
to prove a prophecy
and hurry god?
Was that your fetch
that prayed
on white knees?
Will you be watching your performance
when god taps you

And it worked wonderfully. There is a sense of apprehension here, but also the knowing of someone who sees beyond the common horizon. The use of words: stalking, infiltrating, separating, and fluid mass adds etheral elements that might be easily missed. Great take on the prompt.
There is something haunting in this from the very first stanza, a mind haunted turning everything into sightings of "you." Love the surprise of finding this, and the delight in reading - I think your poem will haunt me for a while. Thank you.
Two interesting poems. I particularly like the opening stanza of 'Fetch'.
I like "Fetch" a lot - good words and engaging story. I will have to look at "quondam!" I don't have a dictionary at hand. enjoyed, sarah
Great stuff here. I'll definitely be adding you to my blogroll :)
Good pieces! You did a terrific job and to think you wrote two. Wonderful reading, both!
Both of these are very interesting and made me think. One line really stands out for me, "Was that your skin cast off on the floor?" Loved that!
Glad you found the Big Tent.
Love how these two works were brought by that one fantastic "fetch." I now have a crush on "fetch." :-)
Terrific reads. Thank you~
Deb at http://stoneymoss.org
I'm floored that you got two poems out of fetch - and the quality of both: excellent.
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